Song title: A Place To Stand

Morris was the first composer to start writing for Mikrokosmos. His notes were our first steps into cold water. Playing his notes for the first time felt very scary and weird because we were very insecure about what Mikrokosmos was going to be like. What did we get ourselves into? And actually that is also what this chapter and the music should feel like. It is the second movement that comes right after the Big Bang. So is has that uneasy feeling: Where am I? What’s surrounding me? Can we find a place to stand, so we can start this journey from there?

Morris wanted to put Fuse “inside” his piece for Mikrokosmos and asked us to send him some personal melodies, chords or beats. In the end, this evolved into a group improvisation in the middle of the piece.

It was April 2020 when Morris wrote his first notes for Mikrokosmos, at the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown in The Netherlands. There we where, all tied to our homes. We came together on Zoom on the day that we should have been playing the first sketches of his song publicly, at The BIMhuis in Amsterdam. When you look back at the recording of that conversation you see a bunch of people who did not have a clue of what was about to happen. Both the project and the pandemic would evolve in ways nobody could have predicted at that time.


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Watch: Lockdown Interviews with the Composers
Watch: Lockdown Interviews with the Composers
Song title: A Place To Stand

Morris was the first composer to start writing for Mikrokosmos. His notes were our first steps into cold water. Playing his notes for the first time felt very scary and weird because we were very insecure about what Mikrokosmos was going to be like. What did we get ourselves into? And actually that is also what this chapter and the music should feel like. It is the second movement that comes right after the Big Bang. So is has that uneasy feeling: Where am I? What’s surrounding me? Can we find a place to stand, so we can start this journey from there?

Morris wanted to put Fuse “inside” his piece for Mikrokosmos and asked us to send him some personal melodies, chords or beats. In the end, this evolved into a group improvisation in the middle of the piece.

It was April 2020 when Morris wrote his first notes for Mikrokosmos, at the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown in The Netherlands. There we where, all tied to our homes. We came together on Zoom on the day that we should have been playing the first sketches of his song publicly, at The BIMhuis in Amsterdam. When you look back at the recording of that conversation you see a bunch of people who did not have a clue of what was about to happen. Both the project and the pandemic would evolve in ways nobody could have predicted at that time.

